Presbyterian Women

We are stronger together

Presbyterian Women’s Purpose

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:

  • to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study
  • to support the mission of the church worldwide
  • to work for justice and peace
  • to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the PCUSA and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom

Letter from Your Moderator


Hello Women of Saint Andrews!

It has been an honor to be asked to serve as your moderator for the 2023 – 2024 church year.  I’ve had the opportunity to get to know and work with so many of our women. It is exciting to see us grow in numbers and see the plans for activities/projects that have enabled us to share our faith with each other and with our community.

It has been my great fortune to have wonderful, supportive women serve on the SAPW leadership team. 

Cheerfully in Christ,
Elaine Mueller, Moderator
[email protected] 


Meet our SAPW Leadership Team

The SAPW Leadership Team meets at 6:00pm on the third Thursday of the month from August through June. Members have the responsibility to guide, oversee and plan the yearly activities according to “Our Purpose.” A fall and spring gathering is held each year, as well as a retreat.

Moderator: Elaine Mueller
Co-Moderator: Open
Secretary: Erica Knightstep
Treasurer: Dot Kohlbach
College Connections: Marcia Williams                                                                Historian: Julie Watkins

Membership: Sherry Hay
Missions: Beth Mielcarek
Nominations: Open
Retreat Coordinator: Judy Ice
Special Events: Kris Baiochi & C.J. Edwards
Circle Leaders: Phyllis Ade, Amy Brown, Shelley Kane, Laura Marquis, Marcia Hanks, Rosemarie Sholl and Darci Simmen                                                      Angel Tree: Valerie Hubard

SAPW Events

Interested in being a part of special events with the Saint Andrews Presbyterian Women (SAPW)? Follow us on Facebook to learn more!

SAPW Circles

Our women’s circles offer an opportunity to join a small community of women within the church who make a big difference within our church family! Our circles meet once a month from September through May. We have five active circles at this time. If you are interested in joining a circle or in starting a new circle, please let us know.  Below are our circles with their meeting information:

Priscilla Circle — meets in member homes on the 3rd Monday of each month @ 7:15 PM. Amy Brown is the facilitator for this circle.

Rachel Circle — meets at the church on the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 10:00 AM. Laura Marquis is the facilitator of this circle.

Ruth Circle — meets at the church on the 2nd Tuesday of each month @7:00 PM. Sherry Hay and Nancy Homer are the facilitators of this circle.

Sarah Circle – meets at the church on the 1st Thursday of each month @ 10:30 AM. Marcia Hanks and Rosemarie Sholl are the facilitators for this circle.

Zoom Circle – meets on zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 10:00AM. Shelley Kane is he facilitator of this circle.

Men’s Groups

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