
Join in on the fun!

To sign up for an event, click on the picture.

New Podcast

The Adult Faith Formation Team is introducing a new way to engage with Sunday morning Scriptures – a weekly podcast during Lent! The presentation is entitled “A Blank Piece of Paper: A Preacher Prepares for Sunday.” Dr. Watkins will host a weekly gathering to connect, engage more deeply with scripture, and explore the sermon preparation process with members of our church and community. He will begin with a series on the “I Am” sayings of Jesus. The podcasts will be available here and on the Apple podcast app. The podcast app is already preloaded on all Apple phones. The podcast is available 24/7 days a week. New episodes are released on Wednesdays.

Lenten Devotionals & Events

  • 2/26: A Blank Piece of Paper Podcast Wednesdays through Lent at 10:00 am
  • 3/5: Lent Devotionals                               Adults                  Youth
  • 3/10: Book Study Mondays at 7:00 pm; Zoom
  • 3/23: Potluck & Workday 11:30 am; Fellowship Hall
  • 4/13: Palm Sunday Worship Worship at 10:30 am; Sanctuary
  • 4/17: Maundy Thursday Dinner 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm; Fellowship Hall
  • 4/18: Good Friday Worship 7:00 pm; Sanctuary
  • 4/20: Easter Worship R.I.S.E. 8:45 am; Traditional 10:30 am
  • 4/20: Children Egg Hunts 9:45 am; Back Lot & Playgrounds


    Lenten Book Study: Turning Over Tables

    Monday evenings March 10 – April 14, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm; Zoom

    Come with us (Pastor Tom and Social Justice Team Leaders) on a Lenten journey. Using Kathy Escobar’s book Turning Over Tables – over 6 weeks, we will
    dig deep into how Jesus spoke truth to power, to uplift the poor and marginalized. Learn about yourself, your community, and how you can answer the Lord’s call to follow Jesus’ teachings in today’s challenging world. Books have been pre-ordered and are available for $14.  Click here to let us know you’d like to claim your pre-ordered book and complete your payment.

    Montreat Youth Conference (HS)

    Sunday, July 20-Saturday, July 26 in Montreat

    A week in the beautiful NC mountains with hundreds of your newest Presbyterian friends!  We’ll stay together in a rental house where we’ll cook meals, play games, and live in community. The conference activities each day include music, energizers, a keynote speaker, small group discussions, worship and recreation events like a dance party, variety show, big group games, and more!

    Massanetta MS Conference

    June 24-June 27 in Massanetta

    Massanetta Springs Presbyterian Camp & Conference Center in Harrisonburg, VA invites us to gather with over a hundred other Presbyterian middle schoolers!  Exploring what it means to be “Wholly Loved” by God, we’ll enjoy time together for music, keynotes, small groups, energizers, workshops, games, and more!

      Youth: Jamaica Service Trip

      June 14-21, 2025 in Jamaica

      We’ll travel to St. Mary, Jamaica to join American Caribbean Experience (ACE) in their ministry.  We’ll use our gifts and explore our passions while we serve in schools, work on construction projects, visit the elderly, and learn about the joys and challenges of life on the island.   Click here to sign up or learn more.

      Spring Potluck

      Join us after worship on Sunday, March 23, in the Fellowship Hall as we celebrate the arrival of Spring with food, fellowship, and joy! We’ll be serving delicious spaghetti and drinks. How can you help? We’d love for you to bring any kind of salad or dessert to share! Please sign up here to let us know what you’ll bring and how many will be attending. This helps us prepare enough spaghetti for everyone! Let’s welcome Spring together. We can’t wait to see you there!

        Presbyterian 101

        Are you new to the Presbyterian tradition? Or have you been here a while and still aren’t sure why we do what we do? Join us for a Presbyterian 101 class on April 27 and May 4 at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Gary Wires will offer a basic review of the history, theology, and practice of Presbyterian Churches. All questions are welcome. Sign-up here.

          Mixed 20s/30s Group

          Thursdays, Various Locations

          Looking to connect with others in your stage of life? Our Mixed 20s & 30s Group is for you—whether you’re single, married, with or without kids! Join us in the Youth Center after worship at 11:30 am on the first Sunday of each month for a light meal and great conversation. Meals are DoorDash-delivered, and extended nursery care is available. Will you be joining us this Sunday? Let us know here so we can be sure to have enough food ordered.

          Please contact Meredith Goble at 919-810-7963 or Olivia Chambers at 919-757-8683 with questions.

          Youth Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser

          Join the flamingo frenzy and have fun while supporting our youth! Simply send a suggested $35 donation our way and watch the magic unfold as a fabulous flock of flamingos (put out by our stealthy youth in the cover of darkness) land gracefully on your friends’, family members’ or neighbors’ front yard. Whether it’s a birthday celebration, a sports team rivalry, graduation, or just a cheerful surprise, our flamingos – available in Carolina, N.C. State, Duke, or pretty Pink – will turn their yard into a flamboyant flamingo paradise! Sign up here!

          Men's Lunch

          Every 3rd Thursday at 11:30, Vivo Ristorante (7400 Six Forks Road)

          Join the SAPC Men’s Fellowship group every 3rd Thursday for lunch and fellowship. Each person will order from the regular menu. Please contact Bob Simmen at [email protected] or by text at 919-349-3953 to RSVP. All men of SAPC are invited.

          Alongside You

          Our Heath Ministries and Faith Formation teams are starting ongoing groups to support people as they navigate specific life challenges. The groups will offer time for fellowship, support and sharing. Members and visitors are welcome to join the groups at any time.

          • Grief and Loss: stay tuned Sign up
          • Caregiving: stay tuned  Sign up
          • Parenting Children with Special Needs: Sunday, April 13  Sign up

          Nursery Volunteering

          Sundays; 10:15am-11:45am

          We’re in need of two volunteers each Sunday to join our Nursery staff, Carolyn Crisci and Danielle Cebrick, in caring for our youngest friends. Can you serve from 10:15am-11:45am one Sunday morning?

          Sign up here and contact Anne Stark with any questions. 

          Angel Care

          Angel Care works with care deacons and church staff to provide occasional meals and rides for members of our congregation who could use some assistance for any number of reasons such as a medical condition, a temporary hardship, an ailing spouse, or a joyful occasion like the arrival of a new baby. Angels drop off homecooked or pre-made meals and provide transportation to and from church or medical appointments. If you would like to be added to the list of Angels, we would love to hear from you! Please contact Emily Inge at 919-413-3580 or by email.

          Hands on Worship Volunteering

          Sundays at 10:45am, Room 3

          Our worship time for children is a big deal. The Hands-On Worship room is a place where kids learn HOW we worship and where kids come to know more about WHO we worship. We are in need of adult volunteers to help with Hands-On Worship from 10:45am-11:30am.

          Click here to sign up to volunteer.

          Grateful Grounds Volunteering

          Sundays at 10:00am

          We need your help in setting up for this delightful post-worship coffee gathering. It’s easy, fun, and a great way to spread joy. Let’s brew up some community spirit together!

          Click here to sign up to help out.

          Pilates Mat Class

          Fridays at 1:00pm,  Narthex

          Bring your family and friends for this free, beginners pilates class. Please bring a pilates mat and yoga block to class. If you have any questions about the course, or about Pilates in general, text Mei at 919-632-8558 or email her at [email protected].

          The Facility Committee Volunteering

          * The facility committee appreciates help any day of the week.

          With the retirement of Dick Stevens, the congregation will need to take charge of the property maintenance. There are weekly, monthly and quarterly tasks to be performed such as picking up trash, blowing debris, pruning bushes, spraying weeds, pulling weeds, etc.

          Sign up here!

          Questions? Contact committee chair, Kris Baiocchi.

          Prayer Team

          Prayer is an essential part of the Christian community. We are looking for a team of individuals who are willing to pray weekly for our congregation, for specific people or specific situations. This is an important way to contribute to church life and a great way for anyone to share in our fellowship – whether you are young or older, whether you come to church every week or if travel or circumstance keeps you away. If you are interested, contact Jay Brown at [email protected] or call the church office.

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