Children’s Ministry
Inspiring children to know and follow God
Come join us on Sunday mornings at SAPC!
Our church nursery is available from 10:15-11:45am to care for children from birth until they enter PreK (PreK being the year before they will attend Kindergarten). Our consistent nursery staff and their volunteer team welcome and care for our littlest children each week in Room 21 on the Preschool Hall.
At SAPC children are welcomed into worship! We have worship activity bags for readers and pre-readers. Activities in these bags are designed to help children follow along with the service. Young children remain in worship for the first 15 minutes or so each Sunday. They can join in the songs and responsive call to worship, listen to a prayer and greet other worshippers as we Pass the Peace.
Children in PreK-5th grade are invited to come up to the front for our Time with Children… a sermon designed just for them! Following the children’s message, all children PreK through 2nd grade are led out of the sanctuary for Hands-On Worship downstairs in room 3. Through games, stories, songs, crafts and other activities, children will be able to connect in a meaningful way to the message of the day.
Starting September 15th, children in grades 3, 4, and 5 are invited to stay after worship for Club 3-4-5. Club 3-4-5 meets downstairs in Room 5 from 11:30-1pm for lunch, games, fellowship, service projects, and bible exploration.
Children are an important part of our community and are encouraged to participate in the life of the church.
Our children learn what it means to be loved by God and how to share that love with others.
As God is faithful, we are unwavering in our commitment to help children grow in their understanding of our Christian faith.
We demonstrate how to serve a world in need and encourage children to participate in reaching out to our community