Men’s Groups
Join us for fellowship!
Serving and Equipping
Our men’s groups are committed to serving our Lord through fellowship, learning, prayer and love. These groups help each man become well-equipped to serve and enjoy fellowship in everyday life. If you are interested in joining any of the groups, please call our office at (919) 847-1913.

Monday Morning Men
Monday morning men meet for conversation, study, prayer and coffee…not always in that order! Join us Mondays at 9:00am via Zoom.
To get the zoom link or for more information, email Jerry Perkins.
Men’s Fellowship Group Lunch
All men are invited to join in the Men’s Lunch. This group meets every 3rd Thursday at 11:30am at Vivo’s Ristorante (7400 Six Forks Rd, Raleigh) for fun, fellowship and food.
Questions? Contact Bob Simmen.

Prime Timers
Fellowship, food and fun